I just want everybody to know that yesterdays event was a major success! Rachel, I still can’t believe that you bought that, but I am sure Spencer must think it is awesome. Anyways, I wasn’t kidding about actually going hunting. I’ve never been, and I know that you need a license to hunt, so what I’ve decided to do is get everybody together to organize a hunting trip! We have a friend who owns a plantation about 50 miles north of here, and he says we can use his property and they will even help us skin and field dress any animals we catch. If that isn’t your thing, that is completely understandable.

If you’ve never received a license before, it isn’t hard. They cost about $50 and you can get them anywhere, and there are only minimum restrictions. While the processes however, I was thinking that we could go to the shooting range and test out everybody’s shooting abilities.
Hunters Villa has a nice deal on an hour of unlimited shooting for just $10 at their range, and we have a couple of .308’s that everybody can take turns firing. These have a bit of a kick, so again, if you have any qualms with firing large guns just skip this one out.
After the range, we should all meet somewhere for lunch. I was thinking the Waffle House since it is just across the street, but if someone has a better idea in mind I’m all for it. Finally, just one more thing, we will be planning the actual hunting trip also, as well as our next meeting, so be there!